The Mysterious Case of the Unenterable URL: A Next.js 14 Conundrum
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The Mysterious Case of the Unenterable URL: A Next.js 14 Conundrum

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Are you a Next.js 14 developer who’s recently written a middleware and found that you cannot enter the URL manually? Don’t worry, you’re not losing your mind! This frustrating issue has puzzled even the most seasoned developers. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to unravel the mystery behind this enigmatic problem.

The Setup: A Brief Introduction to Middlewares in Next.js 14

In Next.js 14, middlewares are a powerful tool that allows you to manipulate requests and responses between the client and server. They’re essentially functions that run before the page is rendered, enabling you to perform authentication, caching, and other vital tasks.

// Example of a basic middleware in Next.js 14
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';

export default async function middleware(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  // Perform some logic or validation here
  return NextUrl({
    url: '/',
    locale: 'en',
    notFound: true,

The Problem: Unable to Manually Enter the URL

Now, let’s assume you’ve written a middleware that performs some authentication or routing logic. You’ve tested it, and it works flawlessly when navigating through your app. However, when you try to manually enter the URL in the browser’s address bar, you’re met with an error or a blank page. This is because, by default, Next.js 14’s App Router hijacks the browser’s URL navigation.

This behavior is intentional, as it allows Next.js to handle client-side routing and provide a seamless user experience. But it can also lead to unexpected consequences, like the one you’re facing.

Understanding the Underlying Causes

To resolve this issue, it’s essential to comprehend the underlying mechanics of Next.js 14’s App Router and middleware functionality.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) vs. Client-Side Routing (CSR)

In Next.js 14, Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Client-Side Routing (CSR) are two distinct concepts that often intertwine.

SSR occurs when the server generates the initial HTML of a page. This process involves executing your middleware and server-side code, which can manipulate the request and response.

CSR, on the other hand, is the process of navigating between pages on the client-side, without re-fetching the full HTML from the server. This is where the App Router comes into play, hijacking the browser’s URL navigation to provide a fast and seamless experience.

Middleware Execution and the App Router

When you write a middleware in Next.js 14, it’s executed on the server-side during SSR. However, when you try to manually enter the URL, the App Router takes over, bypassing the server-side middleware execution.

This means that your middleware logic is not executed when you manually enter the URL, leading to the issues you’re experiencing.

Solutions to the Unenterable URL Conundrum

Now that we’ve delved into the causes of this problem, it’s time to explore the solutions.

1. Use the `rewrite` Function

One approach is to use the `rewrite` function in your middleware to rewrite the URL and force the App Router to re-execute your middleware logic.

import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';

export default async function middleware(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  // Perform some logic or validation here
  return {
    rewrite: true,
    url: '/',

By setting `rewrite` to `true`, you’re telling the App Router to re-execute your middleware logic when the user manually enters the URL.

2. Utilize the `headers` Object

Another solution is to add a custom header to your response in the middleware, indicating that the App Router should re-execute the middleware logic.

import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';

export default async function middleware(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
  // Perform some logic or validation here
  res.setHeader('X-Revalidate', 'true');
  return {
    url: '/',

In this example, we’re adding a custom `X-Revalidate` header with a value of `true`. This tells the App Router to re-execute the middleware logic when the user manually enters the URL.

3. Implement a Custom App Router

If the above solutions don’t work for your specific use case, you can create a custom App Router that takes into account your middleware logic.

This approach requires a deeper understanding of Next.js 14’s architecture and is generally more complex. However, it provides the most flexibility and control over the URL navigation.

Solution Description
Use the `rewrite` function Rewrite the URL and force the App Router to re-execute middleware logic
Utilize the `headers` object Add a custom header to indicate that the App Router should re-execute middleware logic
Implement a custom App Router Create a custom App Router that takes into account middleware logic

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of URL Navigation in Next.js 14

In conclusion, the inability to manually enter a URL after writing a middleware in Next.js 14 is a common issue that can be resolved using one of the three solutions outlined above.

By understanding the underlying mechanics of Next.js 14’s App Router and middleware functionality, you can create robust and flexible server-side rendered applications that provide a seamless user experience.

Remember, the key to mastering Next.js 14 is to comprehend the intersection of SSR, CSR, and middleware logic. With this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex issues and create incredible, server-side rendered applications.

  1. Understand the basics of Next.js 14’s middleware and App Router
  2. Identify the underlying causes of the unenterable URL issue
  3. Choose the most suitable solution for your specific use case
  4. Implement the solution and test it thoroughly
  5. Master the art of URL navigation in Next.js 14

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Next.js 14!Here is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “cannot enter the url manually after writing a middleware in nextjs14 (app router)” :

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Next.js 14 App Router and middleware? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these FAQs to resolve the issue of not being able to enter the URL manually after writing a middleware.

Why can’t I enter the URL manually after writing a middleware in Next.js 14 App Router?

In Next.js 14, the App Router takes control of client-side routing, and middleware can interfere with this process. When you write a middleware, it can block the manual URL entry. To resolve this, make sure to handle the `next()` function call correctly in your middleware code.

How do I handle the `next()` function call in my middleware to enable manual URL entry?

When writing a middleware, you need to ensure that you’re calling `next()` correctly. This allows the request to proceed to the next middleware or the actual page. If you’re not calling `next()`, the request will be blocked, and you won’t be able to enter the URL manually. Make sure to add `next()` at the end of your middleware function or in the correct execution path.

What happens if I don’t call `next()` in my middleware function?

If you don’t call `next()` in your middleware function, the request will be blocked, and the execution will stop. This means you won’t be able to enter the URL manually, as the request will not reach the actual page. Always remember to call `next()` to allow the request to proceed.

Can I use the `fallback` option in my middleware to enable manual URL entry?

Yes, you can use the `fallback` option in your middleware to enable manual URL entry. The `fallback` option allows the request to fall back to the original URL if the middleware can’t handle it. This way, you can ensure that the user can enter the URL manually even if your middleware is not handling the request.

What are some best practices to keep in mind when writing middleware in Next.js 14 App Router?

When writing middleware in Next.js 14 App Router, make sure to keep the following best practices in mind: keep your middleware concise and focused on a specific task, always call `next()` to allow the request to proceed, and use the `fallback` option to enable manual URL entry. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your middleware works smoothly with the App Router.