Unlocking the Power of SQL REBALANCE: Solving Skewed Data in UNION ALL
Image by Eibhlin - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of SQL REBALANCE: Solving Skewed Data in UNION ALL

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Are you tired of dealing with skewed data in your UNION ALL queries? Do you find yourself scouring the official documentation for a solution, only to come up empty-handed? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the mysterious world of SQL REBALANCE, a game-changing technique that effectively solves the problem of skewed data in UNION ALL, but remains curiously absent from the official documentation.

The Problem of Skewed Data in UNION ALL

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the problem at hand. When you use UNION ALL to combine two or more queries, the resulting dataset can become skewed, leading to uneven distribution of data and suboptimal performance. This issue arises when the optimizer fails to accurately estimate the cardinality of the individual queries, resulting in a mismatched execution plan.

Why Skewed Data Matters

Skewed data can have far-reaching consequences, including:

  • Inefficient resource utilization: Skewed data can lead to inadequate resource allocation, causing bottlenecks and slowing down your queries.
  • Suboptimal performance: When the optimizer is misled by skewed data, it can generate a suboptimal execution plan, resulting in slower query times and decreased performance.
  • Inaccurate results: In extreme cases, skewed data can lead to inaccurate results, which can have disastrous consequences in critical applications.

Enter SQL REBALANCE: The Unsung Hero

So, what’s the solution to this pesky problem? Enter SQL REBALANCE, a powerful technique that rebalances the data distribution in UNION ALL queries, ensuring even data distribution and optimal performance. But, despite its effectiveness, SQL REBALANCE remains largely undocumented in the official literature. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ll demystify this powerful technique and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions on how to harness its power.


SQL REBALANCE is a query hint that forces the optimizer to re-evaluate the cardinality of the individual queries in a UNION ALL operation. By doing so, it ensures that the resulting dataset is evenly distributed, eliminating the skew and optimizing performance.

  SELECT * FROM table1
  SELECT * FROM table2
) AS subquery;

Implementing SQL REBALANCE: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s get our hands dirty and implement SQL REBALANCE in a real-world scenario. We’ll use a sample dataset to demonstrate the power of this technique.

Step 1: Identify the Skewed Data

In our example, we’ll use two tables, `orders` and `customers`, with a UNION ALL operation to combine them. Let’s assume that the `orders` table has 10,000 rows, while the `customers` table has 1,000 rows.

Table Row Count
orders 10,000
customers 1,000

Step 2: Verify the Skew

Let’s execute the UNION ALL query without SQL REBALANCE to verify the skew:

  SELECT * FROM orders
  SELECT * FROM customers
) AS subquery;

The resulting execution plan will likely indicate that the optimizer has underestimated the cardinality of the `orders` table, leading to a skewed data distribution.


Now, let’s apply the SQL REBALANCE hint to our query:

  SELECT * FROM orders
  SELECT * FROM customers
) AS subquery;

By adding the REBALANCE hint, we’re instructing the optimizer to re-evaluate the cardinality of the individual queries and rebalance the data distribution.

Step 4: Verify the Results

Let’s re-execute the query with the REBALANCE hint and examine the resulting execution plan. You should notice a significant improvement in performance and data distribution.

By applying SQL REBALANCE, we’ve effectively eliminated the skew in our UNION ALL query, ensuring even data distribution and optimal performance.

Best Practices for Using SQL REBALANCE

Now that you’ve mastered the art of SQL REBALANCE, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use SQL REBALANCE sparingly: While SQL REBALANCE is a powerful technique, it can have a negative impact on performance if overused. Apply it only when necessary to address skewed data issues.

  2. Monitor performance: Keep a close eye on performance metrics after applying SQL REBALANCE to ensure that it’s having the desired effect.

  3. Test and iterate: SQL REBALANCE may not always produce the expected results. Be prepared to test and iterate until you achieve the desired outcome.


In conclusion, SQL REBALANCE is a potent technique for solving the problem of skewed data in UNION ALL queries. Despite its absence from the official documentation, we’ve demystified this powerful tool and provided you with clear, step-by-step instructions on how to harness its power. By applying SQL REBALANCE, you’ll be able to unlock optimal performance and ensure even data distribution in your queries. So, go ahead and give it a try – your queries will thank you!

Remember, the power of SQL REBALANCE lies in its ability to rebalance the data distribution in UNION ALL queries, ensuring optimal performance and eliminating the skew. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this powerful technique.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of SQL with the mighty REBALANCE hint!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on SQL REBALANCE and its role in tackling skewed data in UNION ALL operations, despite its mysterious absence from official documentation.

What is SQL REBALANCE, and how does it help with skewed data?

SQL REBALANCE is a clever technique that redistributes data evenly across UNION ALL operations, ensuring that skewed data doesn’t throw off your query results. By rebalancing the data, you can avoid performance issues and inaccurate results that skewed data can cause.

Why isn’t SQL REBALANCE mentioned in the official documentation?

That’s a great question! Unfortunately, SQL REBALANCE is not an officially documented feature, which is why you won’t find it in the manuals. Despite this, many experienced developers and DBAs have discovered its benefits and share their knowledge through online forums and communities.

How does SQL REBALANCE work its magic?

SQL REBALANCE works by reorganizing the data in UNION ALL operations, ensuring that each node or processor gets an equal share of the data. This redistribution of data helps to eliminate hotspots, reduce query times, and improve overall system performance.

Can I use SQL REBALANCE in conjunction with other optimization techniques?

Absolutely! SQL REBALANCE can be used in combination with other optimization techniques, such as indexing, caching, and query rewriting. By combining these techniques, you can create a robust optimization strategy that tackles even the most complex performance issues.

Are there any alternatives to SQL REBALANCE for handling skewed data?

Yes, there are alternative methods for handling skewed data, such as data sampling, data partitioning, and hash distribution. However, SQL REBALANCE is often the most effective and efficient solution, especially in complex UNION ALL operations.