Unlocking the Power of Google Play In-App Reviews API: Is it Possible to Pass Data?
Image by Eibhlin - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Google Play In-App Reviews API: Is it Possible to Pass Data?

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As a developer, you understand the importance of collecting feedback from your users. It’s a crucial aspect of improving your app’s performance, fixing bugs, and enhancing the overall user experience. Google Play In-App Reviews API is a powerful tool that allows you to request reviews and ratings from your users directly within your app. But, have you ever wondered: Is it possible to pass data to Google Play In-App Reviews API?

What is Google Play In-App Reviews API?

The Google Play In-App Reviews API is a programmatic way to request reviews and ratings from your users. It allows you to display a review dialog within your app, making it convenient for users to provide feedback. This API is part of the Google Play Developer API and is available for Android apps only.

Why Use Google Play In-App Reviews API?

There are several benefits to using Google Play In-App Reviews API:

  • Increased Reviews and Ratings: By requesting reviews directly within your app, you’re more likely to receive feedback from your users, which can improve your app’s visibility and credibility.
  • Improved User Experience: In-app reviews provide a seamless experience for users, eliminating the need to leave your app to review it on the Google Play Store.
  • Better Feedback: You can customize the review flow to ask specific questions or provide contextual information, making it easier to gather actionable feedback.

The Possibility of Passing Data to Google Play In-App Reviews API

So, is it possible to pass data to Google Play In-App Reviews API? The short answer is yes, but with some limitations. You can pass certain data, such as the user’s email address or a unique identifier, to the API. This data can be used to customize the review flow or provide additional context.

Data Parameters Supported by Google Play In-App Reviews API

The Google Play In-App Reviews API supports the following data parameters:

Parameter Description
locale The user’s locale, used to display the review dialog in their preferred language.
userId A unique identifier for the user, used to customize the review flow.
email The user’s email address, used to pre-populate the review dialog with their email address.
launchReviewFlow A boolean value indicating whether to launch the review flow immediately or not.

How to Pass Data to Google Play In-App Reviews API

To pass data to Google Play In-App Reviews API, you’ll need to create a review request and specify the desired data parameters. Here’s an example using the Android SDK:

// Create a ReviewManager instance
ReviewManager reviewManager = ReviewManagerFactory.create(this);

// Create a ReviewRequest instance
ReviewRequest request = ReviewRequest.newBuilder()
        .setEmail("[email protected]")

// Launch the review flow
        .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task task) {
                if (task.isSuccessful()) {
                    // Handle the review flow result
                } else {
                    // Handle the error

Customizing the Review Flow with Data

By passing data to Google Play In-App Reviews API, you can customize the review flow to better suit your app’s needs. For example:

  1. User-Specific Review Requests: Use the userId parameter to customize the review request based on the user’s preferences or behavior.
  2. Context-Aware Reviews: Pass contextual information, such as the user’s current activity or feature usage, to provide a more relevant review experience.
  3. Personalized Review Prompts: Use the email parameter to pre-populate the review dialog with the user’s email address, making it easier for them to provide feedback.

Best Practices for Passing Data to Google Play In-App Reviews API

When passing data to Google Play In-App Reviews API, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Respect User Privacy: Ensure that you’re not collecting or sharing sensitive user data without their consent.
  • Follow Google Play Policies: Adhere to Google Play’s review policies and guidelines to avoid your app being suspended or terminated.
  • Test Thoroughly: Test your implementation thoroughly to ensure that the review flow works correctly and the data is passed successfully.


In conclusion, passing data to Google Play In-App Reviews API is possible, but it’s essential to understand the limitations and best practices involved. By following the guidelines and instructions provided in this article, you can create a customized review flow that enhances the user experience and provides valuable feedback for your app. Remember to respect user privacy, follow Google Play policies, and test your implementation thoroughly to ensure a seamless review experience.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about passing data to Google Play In-App Reviews API!

Can I pass custom data to Google Play In-App Reviews API?

Unfortunately, no. Google Play In-App Reviews API does not allow passing custom data. The API is designed to request reviews from users at specific points in your app, but it doesn’t provide a way to pass additional data.

What kind of data can I pass to Google Play In-App Reviews API?

You can pass review information, such as the user’s rating and review text, to the Google Play In-App Reviews API. However, this data is limited to what the API explicitly allows, and you cannot pass arbitrary custom data.

Is there a workaround to pass custom data to Google Play In-App Reviews API?

While there isn’t an official way to pass custom data, some developers use creative workarounds, such as using a combination of APIs or implementing custom review mechanisms within their app. However, these approaches might not be officially supported by Google, so proceed with caution!

Will Google Play In-App Reviews API ever support custom data?

Only Google knows the answer to this question! While there has been no official announcement, Google is constantly improving its APIs, so it’s possible that custom data support might be added in the future. Keep an eye on the Google Play developer documentation for updates!

What alternative solutions can I use for collecting user feedback?

There are many alternative solutions for collecting user feedback, such as using third-party review and rating APIs, implementing custom feedback mechanisms within your app, or even using Google Forms or other survey tools. Get creative and find the solution that works best for your app!

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