Cannot Access Storage files on cPanel for Laravel 10? Fix it with these Easy Steps!
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Cannot Access Storage files on cPanel for Laravel 10? Fix it with these Easy Steps!

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Ah, the frustration! You’ve uploaded your Laravel 10 project to cPanel, but when you try to access your storage files, you’re met with a dreaded error message. Don’t worry, friend, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to resolve this issue and get your storage files up and running in no time.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s quickly understand why this issue occurs. When you upload your Laravel 10 project to cPanel, the default permissions and ownership of the files and folders can cause issues. Specifically, the storage folder and its contents might not have the necessary permissions, leading to access denial.

Permissions and Ownership 101

To understand the solution, it’s essential to grasp the basics of permissions and ownership in Linux-based systems like cPanel. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • chmod: Change Mode – used to modify file and folder permissions.
  • chown: Change Ownership – used to modify file and folder ownership.
  • rwx: Read, Write, and Execute permissions for User, Group, and Others.
  • 700, 755, and 777: common permission settings.

Step-by-Step Solution

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the solution! Follow these easy steps to resolve the “Cannot Access Storage files on cPanel for Laravel 10” issue:

  1. Access your cPanel File Manager

    Log in to your cPanel account and navigate to the File Manager section.

  2. Locate the Storage Folder

    In the File Manager, find the storage folder within your Laravel 10 project’s root directory.

  3. Change Permissions and Ownership

    Right-click on the storage folder and select Change Permissions. Set the permissions to 755 or 777 (depending on your server’s configuration).

          chmod 755 storage or chmod 777 storage

    Next, right-click on the storage folder again and select Change Ownership. Set the ownership to your cPanel username or the desired user and group.

          chown username:username storage
  4. Recursively Apply Permissions and Ownership

    Using the File Manager’s terminal, navigate to the storage folder and execute the following command to recursively apply the permissions and ownership changes:

          chmod -R 755 * or chmod -R 777 *
          chown -R username:username *
  5. Clear Laravel Cache and Try Again

    After making the changes, clear Laravel’s cache using the following command in your project’s root directory:

          php artisan cache:clear

    Try accessing your storage files again. You should now have access!

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still encountering issues, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the storage folder’s permissions and ownership by right-clicking on the folder and selecting File Attributes.
  • Verify that the storage folder is not being blocked by any server or hosting restrictions.
  • Ensure that your Laravel 10 project is configured to use the correct storage disk and path.
  • Consult your hosting provider’s documentation or support team for specific guidance on managing file permissions and ownership.


Victory! You’ve successfully resolved the “Cannot Access Storage files on cPanel for Laravel 10” issue. By understanding the basics of permissions and ownership and following the simple steps outlined in this article, you’re now able to access your storage files without any hassle.

Remember to keep your Laravel 10 project’s storage folder permissions and ownership in check to avoid future issues. Happy coding!

Common Error Messages Solutions
Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access this resource Change permissions and ownership of the storage folder
Storage folder not found Verify the storage folder’s path and existence
Laravel cache issues Clear the Laravel cache using php artisan cache:clear

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Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble accessing storage files on c-panel for Laravel 10? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and their answers to get back on track.

Why can’t I access my storage files on c-panel for Laravel 10?

This is probably due to permission issues. Make sure that the storage folder has the correct permissions. You can try running the command `chmod -R 755 storage` or `chmod -R 777 storage` to set the permissions. Also, ensure that the owner and group of the storage folder are set correctly.

I’ve set the permissions correctly, but I still can’t access my storage files. What’s going on?

Another common issue is that the storage links are not set up correctly. Try running the command `php artisan storage:link` to create a symbolic link from `public/storage` to `storage/app/public`. This should allow you to access your storage files.

I’m using a shared hosting, and I don’t have SSH access. How can I set the permissions and storage links?

No worries! You can use the File Manager in your c-panel to set the permissions. Just navigate to the storage folder, right-click, and select “Change Permissions”. Then, set the permissions to 755 or 777 as needed. To set the storage links, you can create a php script that runs the `storage:link` command. Upload the script to your server and run it.

I’m getting a “Disk” exception when trying to access my storage files. What’s the fix?

This error usually occurs when the `FILESYSTEM_DRIVER` environment variable is not set correctly. Make sure that it’s set to `public` in your `.env` file. You can also try setting it to `s3` if you’re using Amazon S3 storage.

I’ve tried all of the above, and I still can’t access my storage files. What’s next?

Don’t give up! If none of the above solutions work, it’s time to dig deeper. Check your Laravel logs for any error messages related to storage files. You can also try using a package like `laravel-debugbar` to debug your storage issues. If all else fails, consider seeking help from a Laravel expert or the Laravel community.

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